Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by ken taylor

"Can't seem to face up to the facts,

Get so nervous, can't relax.

Can't sleep, bed's on fire,

Don't touch me I'm a real live wire...

and uh, Psycho Killer"

Taken from one of the favorite albums of my youth-1984's "Stop Making Sense" by, of all entities, Talking Heads.

"We're being taken for a ride...again."

Heh, heh.

Stop Making Sense, Stop Making Sense.

OH! The exquisite ironies!



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my wife's favorite album. first date when we to see the movie.

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Now THAT, me man, is beyond cool.

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Did you get my "sorry"...?

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yes, if you want to reschedule, anytime is fine12-8 pm (pst)

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