Hi Ken,

For some reason my Like and my Comment functions disappeared on Substack postings a few months ago. I never could figure out what happened or how to fix it. A few days ago they suddenly reappeared, so I am able to tell you how much I enjoyed your post.

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ty. very early post. I've been trying to finish writing a book, so throwing up old posts and ideas.

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Sep 1Liked by ken taylor

Very interesting post, Ken. I admit that while I have been aware of the slave revolutions in Haiti, I never paid much attention to them. I also pay little attention to the foibles of this Nations founders. Were the all great flawless men? Of course not.

But I look upon the background of that period, Compared to the 21st Century ALL persons of any gender lived in total ignorance. Everyone attributed the physical differences among people and all other animals as differences in blood. Today we are aware of DNA, RNA, proteins, amino acids, etc.

Today only total ignoramuses like, donald trump, are unaware of the scope that DNA has upon our existence.

That being the case I admire George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams for what each accomplished, and disparage them for nothing. How could they know knowledge that was not available to them in the later 18th early 19th centuries. I particularly esteem John Adams and the Northern politicians for their abhorrence of enslaving human beings; BUT I also recognize that this was partially because the northerners were involved in industry and trade which used skilled labor rather than body shattering physical labor.

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adams hist. reputation dropped during his presidency, ; largely due to jefferson.

in last few years of course j's reputation has been descending.

my problem w jefferson is he lived too much of a sheltered life and i don't think he quite understood his own revolutionary ideals. i don't see him so much as an hyprocrite as many now do, but as so isolated in his protected elite ivory tower that he didn't really understand his own ideas. they may have been good ideas but his world was not one based in understanding what he thought; he simply lacked the life experience and was always a book-revolutionary.

like his idea every man should have fifty acres of land to farm so they could be gentleman and not have to work.

trying to type this from too far away, can't reach caps key, sorry

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